Member Blog

We encourage reasoned, respectful debate. It is a central part of our mission. We invite our members to submit their thoughts and views on important local and national issues. As you do, please remember the emphasis President Biden has placed on truth, science, transparency, and unity. Please send submissions (150-300 words along with a link to any referenced articles) to

A Tour for Hate Groups
John Murphy John Murphy

A Tour for Hate Groups

We used to dismiss groups like Arise USA as “fringe” or so far out there that no one would pay attention. If the Trump Presidency taught us anything, it’s that we need to pay attention to hate groups and counter their message, whenever and where ever we can.

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Why is it so Expensive?
John Murphy John Murphy

Why is it so Expensive?

U.S. healthcare can be baffling, even to those of us who live in America and deal with it on a regular basis. Imagine how confusing it must seem to people in other countries. The video above captures interviews with people from around the world as they struggle to understand our system.

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