Member Blog

We encourage reasoned, respectful debate. It is a central part of our mission. We invite our members to submit their thoughts and views on important local and national issues. As you do, please remember the emphasis President Biden has placed on truth, science, transparency, and unity. Please send submissions (150-300 words along with a link to any referenced articles) to

A Rant on the Supreme Court
John Murphy John Murphy

A Rant on the Supreme Court

Here's the thing: the Democratic Party may be ineffective, disorganized and in a state of chaos, but when you live in a two-party political system, the Dems are the only horse we’ve got. There’s no other political party to organize a counterattack. If you are outraged at what’s happening and what will continue to happen, you need to get HIGHLY INVOLVED with your local Democrats. It’s actually far easier doing so than moving to a foreign country. Remember, the party is made up of members. You can be a member, work hard, and even become a leader. That’s what’s really needed in the Democrats right now, strong leadership. And that means YOU! Wait, you say! Aren’t Democrats basically useless? Think about it: if a few more folks had voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016, Trump would never have been able to appoint three Supreme Court justices, and we wouldn’t be in this position today. Do not doubt it: as long as we remain a democracy, elections matter.

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